Sharp United Methodist Church 2016


Posted by Barb B | Posted in Community Projects

Sharp United Methodist Church: Assist the Church in the maintenance and beautification of the church property, usually twice a year. This is an ‘in-kind’ project in return for our monthly meeting space.
For further information, please contact:  Dan Greenfield, President –

2016 Grounds Manicure – Sharp United Methodist Church

A huge “shout out” and many kudos to the Master Gardeners who did grounds cleanup at Sharp UMC this morning. In less than three hours, the majority of the church grounds were refreshed. Beds were weeded, shrubbery was clipped, perennials were divided, etc. It was as if a total manicure was done.   Some pictures of the MGs at work.

After two previous attempts, we were finally successful this morning in completing our obligation to the church. We do a grounds clean up twice a year in exchange for being able to have our monthly TUMGA meetings at the church at no charge. The church is most appreciative for its new “spring do Many compliments were expressed by visitors who came to do early shopping at the rummage sale.

Certainly “many hands did indeed make light work” this morning. Thank you again for the superb jog that was done in “beautifying” Sharp UMC.  Marsha Elliott, Chairman

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