Hiawassee Library 2015


Posted by Barb B | Posted in Community Projects




Pictured are Dale Harmon, MGEV, Debbie Phillips, Director, Hiawassee Library, Dan Greenfield, MGEV, and Maggie Oliver, MGEV. Not pictured, but who helped are Vickie and David Best, MGEV’s

 From the rehabilitation of the original flower beds in front of the “old” Library, to the additional plantings in the expanded side beds and patio beds on the back at the “new” Library, the Towns Union Master Gardeners Association, TUMGA, has worked diligently to enhance the appearance of the outside public areas of the Library. Maggie Oliver, MGEV, is the coordinator of the project and managed to keep construction damage to a minimum. She planted the side beds three years ago with heirloom iris and daffodils and is anxious to see how they survived the project! Prior to construction, watering of the beds was done with 150 feet of hose from the back of the building where the only outside spigot was located. The idea of a rain barrel was born before construction started, but delayed until the project was completed. The rain barrel was donated by UGA Towns Extension Service and the MGEV’s took over! It had to be painted to match the building, needed a base to sit on, as well as connections for the internal parts and screens. This year, thanks to this talented group of Master Gardeners who did all of the work, watering will be much simpler. The rain water from the barrel will be used, which is chlorine free, a bonus for the plants. This is the only rain barrel in Hiawassee at a commercial facility, and may well be the only one operational anywhere in the city! Ms. Phillips, Director of the Hiawassee Library, is pleased to be able to share this project with the community and with the children in the summer educational programs at the Library. Check it out. You might want one at your house!

Submitted by Grace Howard, Master Gardener Extension Volunteer, TUMGA

For more information:  President Marty Dellinger   mg2016marty@gmail.com

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